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Quantitative Biology China Anti-Cancer Association R Consortium CSL F1000Research Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics

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BioC Asia 2020

When: Oct 15 - 18, 2020
What: Main Conference
Where: Virtual Conference
Slack: Bioconductor Team (#biocasia2020 channel)
Twitter: #BioCAsia2020
WeChat: BioCAsia2020参会群


Join the Bioconductor #biocasia2020 channel for up-to-date information.

Getting started

Access and launch workshops by clicking here.

Chinese (中文)

Workshop Source Docker
使用limma、Glimma和edgeR,RNA-seq数据分析易如反掌 GH Docker
Analysis and visualization of microbiome datasets using MicrobiotaProcess GH Docker
An introduction to single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis in Bioconductor GH Docker


Workshop Source Docker
trackViewer: Lollipop/Dandelion plots for methylation status and mutation data GH Docker
Building a Bioconductor package GH Docker
Bioconductor toolchain for usage and development of reproducible bioinformatics pipelines in CWL GH Docker
tidytranscriptomics: analysing single-cell and bulk RNA sequencing data following the tidy data paradigm GH Docker
Hands-on experience to CiteFuse that consists of a suite of tools for the integration and the downstream analysis of CITE-seq data GH Docker

Using workshop docker images locally

Workshops with preinstalled dependencies can be run locally using Docker.

Advanced: Use -v $(pwd):/home/rstudio argument to map your local directory to the container. Use -e DISABLE_AUTH=true, if you want passwordless login to RStudio. On Windows, you may need to provide your localhost IP address like - find it using docker-machine ip default in Docker’s terminal.


docker pull waldronlab/publicdataresources:latest
docker run -e PASSWORD=bioconductor -p 8787:8787 -d --rm waldronlab/publicdataresources
# Open http://localhost:8787 and login using rstudio/bioconductor credentials
# Run browseVignettes(package = "PublicDataResources")
# Open http://localhost:8787/help/library/PublicDataResources/doc/PublicDataResources.html
docker ps -a # List all running containers
docker stop <CONTAINER ID> # or, <NAMES> - Stop a container

Workshop packages were created using the BuildABiocWorkshop2020 template.

NOTE. All workshops should include a valid DESCRIPTION file with the following fields: